Here I am, lying on the floor of my room typing another blog post. I realized something today thinking about some previous blog posts: How to Pray and, To Love is to be Alert. It’s funny how some times you can realize the greatest things just by writing.
Life's Alright
For those coping with depression, suicide or those wanting to maintain a better quality of life. For best results we recommend you start from the beginning (last page) of the articles as each posts may have references to past posts.
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2720 Hits
Oh great another challenge. Life’s pretty challenging as is, I get it, and we have stresses of our jobs, relationships, putting up with our in-laws, etcetera. What if I told you that this challenge was a bit different, what if it’s a challenge to reduce all that stress, improve your health, relationships, jobs and more! What if this challenge changes life for the better?
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2712 Hits

The first step to happiness is knowing what you have in life and what you can be grateful for. It's sometimes harder than you think to count your blessings but.. start small.
Today I am grateful for my warm bed that I sleep in every night.
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2458 Hits