Life's Alright

For those coping with depression, suicide or those wanting to maintain a better quality of life. For best results we recommend you start from the beginning (last page) of the articles as each posts may have references to past posts.

The Relationship Cycle

The Relationship Cycle

Being apart of many Facebook support groups I noticed a lot of adolescents suffering from some sort of depression caused by break ups and relationship drama.  I believe by understanding our emotions and human behaviours we can be armed with a good understanding of how we act as humans.  With this ammunition we can better train our minds to prepare and look for some behaviours to understand some of the situations life throws at us.  In past posts I went into some common emotions we see as negative to see how they can help us; In this article I am going through what I believe is a basic cycle of many relationships.  I cannot speak for all relationships but I have noticed these common behaviours in a large number of relationships my friends, family and even I had.

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4256 Hits

Your Vibes Attract Your Tribes: An In-Depth Look

Your Vibes Attract Your Tribes: An In-Depth Look

Everywhere around us is negativity. Have you looked at the news lately? A large majority of our news is negative. This house is on fire, this person broke into this, and the traffic sucks, and the weather is mostly gloomy, blah, blah. We are bred into a negative world full of pessimists, reinforcing us to be negative beings, to bring the mood of everyone around us down. Not too mention you go to a job you dislike, your co-worker did something you dislike, and all the negativity just doesn’t end. No wonder this world is stuck on anti-depressants, or coming up with new disorders one after another. This world is in a disorder, and there is only one way out.

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6237 Hits

Love From the Heart

When we love our selves from the heart we raise our self-esteem and love ourselves even more! What's even cool is later on it strengthens our relationships with others. It then cascades where we help raise their self-esteem, they love from their heart and it keeps going. Love never fails

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3003 Hits

When it Rains...

When it rains look for rainbows when its dark look for stars

It's all about finding the good in the worst situations. How many times do you find your self pounding out the negatives? Be grateful for all you have! If you're in the middle of an argument stop! and tell the other person what you love about them, life's too short to hate!

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2615 Hits

Prayers do get Answered

Prayers do get Answered

Here I am, lying on the floor of my room typing another blog post. I realized something today thinking about some previous blog posts: How to Pray and, To Love is to be Alert. It’s funny how some times you can realize the greatest things just by writing.

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2669 Hits

Adult Attachment: The Science Behind Every Relationship

Adult Attachment: The Science Behind Every Relationship

In one of my previous posts, To Love is to be Alert, I outlined the importance of being alert. It teaches us to see what is really out there that there are plenty of good things inside others and us.  As you practices being alert take some time be alert not just in nature as your out for a walk but also in all aspects of your life, especially your relationships.

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© Life's Alright

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The Greatest Duty!

No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks

The more you give thanks the more people want to be in your life so you get more opportunities and things to be thankful for! Wouldn't it be wonderful if you can be thankful every day of your life. To go to bed looking forward to tomorrow and actually want to wake up everyday?!

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To Love is to Be Alert

To Love is to Be Alert

How often do you get to work or university and not remember any part of the journey? How alert are you when you go for walks in?

My good friend and energy healer, Clayton told me to go for walks in nature more often. I originally just thought, “alright, that’s simple enough, I can do that!” What’s mind blowing is what it does to you.

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© Life's Alright

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Count Your Blessings

The first step to happiness is knowing what you have in life and what you can be grateful for. It's sometimes harder than you think to count your blessings but.. start small.

Today I am grateful for my warm bed that I sleep in every night.

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I have found that so often we are depressed about the things going on in life and so we get into this rut of negativity that seems like we can never give out!  Choosing to love is the greatest power of all. If it wasn't for love you wouldn't be here, the thing you love and enjoy wouldn't be here, the very device that you are reading this on wouldn't be here because it is love that creates everything around us. If it wasn't for love the Earth would be a barren waste land.

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2395 Hits