Life's Alright

For those coping with depression, suicide or those wanting to maintain a better quality of life. For best results we recommend you start from the beginning (last page) of the articles as each posts may have references to past posts.

Ignorance is NOT Bliss

Ignorance is not Bliss...One just simply has to understand.

By understanding first out selves we can begin to understand others. It holds the saying, " To love others we must love ourselves" true. Being ignorant just causes more trouble.Think about this for a moment. We often criticizes others for what they do. More often we may even do the exact same thing others are doing without knowing and we are sending negative thoughts their way.

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  3985 Hits
3985 Hits

Strategy: Identifying Emotional Triggers (with downloadable worksheet)

Strategy: Identifying Emotional Triggers (with downloadable worksheet)

Being an administrator on a depression support group on Facebook with over eleven thousand members, I have started seeing some common traits amongst a large majority of depressed people. They would either:

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  6986 Hits
6986 Hits

Your Vibes Attract Your Tribes: An In-Depth Look

Your Vibes Attract Your Tribes: An In-Depth Look

Everywhere around us is negativity. Have you looked at the news lately? A large majority of our news is negative. This house is on fire, this person broke into this, and the traffic sucks, and the weather is mostly gloomy, blah, blah. We are bred into a negative world full of pessimists, reinforcing us to be negative beings, to bring the mood of everyone around us down. Not too mention you go to a job you dislike, your co-worker did something you dislike, and all the negativity just doesn’t end. No wonder this world is stuck on anti-depressants, or coming up with new disorders one after another. This world is in a disorder, and there is only one way out.

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  5966 Hits
5966 Hits

Debunking the Myth: People Don't Change

Debunking the Myth: People Don't Change

How often have you heard someone say, “People do not change”?  I don’t know about you, but I have lost count; and in the back of my head I am thinking, “What bullshit”.  Of course many people may think I have lost my mind, and I am happy to say I have lost my mind! Okay, I am not crazy, but I have grown; I have changed.

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  4318 Hits
4318 Hits

Emotions: Bringing Clarity to Confusion

Emotions: Bringing Clarity to Confusion

Often when we encounter new information that doesn’t fit with what we have previously known, we come into a state of confusion.  This new information can be caused by learning something new, academics, and a dance routine; or even by meeting a new friend.  We get an error message sent to our brains when we are not expecting one.  This new information may cause our brows to furrow, our stomachs may get queasy, and the world becomes an unsettling place.  The universe as we know it comes to a complete standstill.

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3598 Hits

Strategy: Using Breathing to Blow Away Stress

A few years ago I was talking with a co-worker about general health and the topic of stress came up.  He taught me a bit about breathing with your diaphragm and how it generates some feel good hormones.  A few years later I was talking with a psychologist and I learned even more about this style of breathing. As I researched more about this topic, and started putting it into practice, I found myself even breathing this way in everyday life, resulting in an overall increase in quality of life; and my state of being was much more peaceful.

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4373 Hits

Love From the Heart

When we love our selves from the heart we raise our self-esteem and love ourselves even more! What's even cool is later on it strengthens our relationships with others. It then cascades where we help raise their self-esteem, they love from their heart and it keeps going. Love never fails

  2880 Hits
2880 Hits

How Vitamin D Changed my Life.

How Vitamin D Changed my Life.

I want to talk to you about something that has changed my life and may have the potential to change yours. Chances are this article will affect one in four people. I remember going to the doctor with symptoms of extreme fatigue. I would only want to sleep; I would be slow, sluggish; I would be sore all the time, and depressed. Having a rather physical job, and working outside all the time, I thought it might have been my job, working hard and always being on my feet; however a blood test showed different results.

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  17722 Hits
17722 Hits

Emotions: Don't Regret, Regret

Emotions: Don't Regret, Regret

For those who don’t know me: I make a lot of not so bright decisions in my life. If you know me you would also know I made a rash life choice that I regret. This life choice made me stop and think about what I really want in life; made me take time to find my self and ultimately create this blog, so I can help you guys make choices you may not regret. As I write this blog, I am also putting what I learn to practice as I give it to you guys. Let's look a bit more into our emotions and why we regret some of the things we do.

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  3412 Hits
3412 Hits

Emotions: Fear & Anxiety, The Fight for Surival

Emotions: Fear & Anxiety, The Fight for Surival

I used to be afraid of a lot of things in life. Fear seemed to have consumed a large portion of who I was; and it hindered my progress in almost every aspect of my life, from pushing to be better at sports in fear of self injury (okay that one is reasonable), fear of progressing at work, and even fear of relationships and commitment.  Some times I was afraid that some stranger would attack me in a dark alley.  My fear controlled such a huge aspect of my life that it pushed away almost everything that was good for me.

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  2841 Hits
2841 Hits