Life's Alright

For those coping with depression, suicide or those wanting to maintain a better quality of life. For best results we recommend you start from the beginning (last page) of the articles as each posts may have references to past posts.

Emotions: Harnessing the Destructive Power of Envy & Jealousy

Emotions: Harnessing the Destructive Power of Envy & Jealousy

I remember when I was thirteen years old; it was my first father’s day after my father past away. It was a hard time and still is. I remember looking on old social media accounts like, Nexopia, and seeing others with their fathers, photos popping up, or even the next Monday in class, class mates telling each other their class mates what they did for fathers day as I sat there in envy.

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3731 Hits

Emotions: Why feeling guilty, ashamed and even embarrassed may be constructive.

Emotions: Why feeling guilty, ashamed and even embarrassed may be constructive.

Some times when we don’t know our emotions we cannot control them. When we cannot control our emotions we may get lost in our emotions and let our emotions get the best of us. In my last post I talked about getting angry or even enraged and the upside of it. However if you are like the rest of the population there will be times we all get angry. After we get angry we may realize our actions and begin to feel ashamed, guilty and even embarrassed. What is the constructive side of these emotions?

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3970 Hits

Emotions: The Flip Side of Anger

Emotions: The Flip Side of Anger

Anger is a weird emotion and we may sometimes not even recognize that we are angry; I know it happens to me quite often. Some times we just have to stop and realize what we are really feeling to know what caused it and why are acting this way. Anger has long been noted as a very hostile and negative emotion. What you may learn from this post may pleasantly surprise you. Having the knowledge you’re about to discover may help you turn this commonly negative war mongering emotion to your best motivator. Anyways… lets look more a bit into anger, how its caused and what it can do for us!

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3316 Hits

Emotions: Introduction to our Emotions and how Society has Perceived them

Emotions: Introduction to our Emotions and how Society has Perceived them

Our emotions control almost every aspect of our lives form guiding you when you should create a relationship or to when you should run into a burning house to save a strangers family pet. It is your emotions that drive us to succeed or fail in life, what ever your goal or desire is. They can be your source of motivation, or be there to tell you when to fight or flight. However our society doesn’t think of our emotions this way.

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2503 Hits

When it Rains...

When it rains look for rainbows when its dark look for stars

It's all about finding the good in the worst situations. How many times do you find your self pounding out the negatives? Be grateful for all you have! If you're in the middle of an argument stop! and tell the other person what you love about them, life's too short to hate!

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2497 Hits

Depression: What is it? & What not to say or do to someone who has it!

Depression: What is it? & What not to say or do to someone who has it!

This simple animation tells some of the hardships of those with depression.  Some people may say, “so what”, “suck it up”, or “think positive”.  What some of these people need to know is it’s more then a mood.  It’s when the depression sticks with you for weeks without any relief and it interferes with your everyday life, some times in almost all aspects of life, and that mood becomes a temperament or apart of your personality if it stays long enough.

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2828 Hits

Break the Chains: Learn how to Forgive

Break the Chains: Learn how to Forgive

I have been reflecting and thinking lots lately. I have been doing the gratitude challenge that I posted last week and while I was on Day 4 it said, “Write a short message of thanks for some of the ‘negative’ things in your life.” This made me realize something.

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Affirmation: I am superior!

I am superior to negative thoughts and low actions.
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Prayers do get Answered

Prayers do get Answered

Here I am, lying on the floor of my room typing another blog post. I realized something today thinking about some previous blog posts: How to Pray and, To Love is to be Alert. It’s funny how some times you can realize the greatest things just by writing.

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2544 Hits

The Lion tamer

The Lion tamer

"This is a story that I once heard that has stuck with me and encourages me during difficult times. It goes like this:

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2802 Hits